xorg configure

Configure X To reconfigure keyboard settings in Squeeze (and later) run as root in a terminal: # dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Edit xorg.conf Some settings are only accessible through editing xorg.conf by hand. How can I edit my xorg config file

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  • 不過由於一些授權的問題導致 XFree86 無法繼續提供類似 GPL 的自由軟體,後來 Xorg 基金會就接手 X11R6 的維護! Xorg (http://www.x.org/...
    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第二十三章、X Window 設定介紹
  • Tip: Video cards, monitors, and input devices are automatically detected and do not requir...
    5.4. Xorg Configuration - The FreeBSD Project
  • 提示: 顯示卡、顯示器以及輸入裝置會自動偵測,無須任何手動設置。除非自動設置失敗,否則請勿建立 xorg.conf 或執行 -configure 若 Xorg 曾經在電腦使用過,可...
    5.4. Xorg 設定 - The FreeBSD Project
  • Configuration Help If you are using a vendor-supplied Xorg (like on a Linux distribution) ...
    Configuration Help - X.Org
  • Fedora releases since Fedora 10 do not create a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, used to configure...
    How to create xorg.conf - FedoraProject
  • Quick xorg.conf Most systems don't ship with an X config file any more, but sometimes ...
    XConfig - Ubuntu Wiki
  • You can also generate a skeleton for xorg.conf with: # Xorg :0 -configure This should crea...
    Xorg - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
  • Configure X To reconfigure keyboard settings in Squeeze (and later) run as root in a termi...
    Xorg - Debian Wiki
  • As Ubuntu 10.10 seems to neither detect my graphics card (Intel 82852/855GM) automatically...
    xorg - Where is the X.org config file? How do I configure X ...
  • provides Linux users with the ability to run graphical user interfaces and that uses the X...
    XorgGuide - Gentoo Wiki
  • 不過由於一些授權的問題導致 XFree86 無法繼續提供類似 GPL 的自由軟體,後來 Xorg 基金會就接手 X11R6 的維護! Xorg (http://www.x.org/...
    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第二十三章、X Window 設定介紹
  • Tip: Video cards, monitors, and input devices are automatically detected and do not requir...
    5.4. Xorg Configuration - The FreeBSD Project